October 2023

Living Alone vs. With Roommates: Pros & Cons Guide for 2024

The post discusses the pros and cons of living alone versus with roommates, emphasizing the importance of compatibility when choosing roommates and providing tips for transitioning to solo living, and it also highlights a residential community called Paragon Living Apartments that offers options for both living alone and with roommates.

living alone vs. with roommates

So you’re thinking of getting your own place but can’t decide whether to live alone or with roommates. It’s a big decision with lots of factors to weigh. You might want to reflect on questions like:

Do you value your independence and privacy over saving money and splitting costs?

Or would you rather have built-in companionship and someone to share chores with?

Read on to discover the pros and cons of living alone vs. with roommates for an informed decision.

Table of Contents

The Pros and Cons of Living Alone

The Pros and Cons of Living With a Roommate

Finding the Right Roommate: Compatibility Matters

5 Tips for Transitioning to Living Alone

Living Your Best Life at Paragon Living Apartments

The Pros and Cons of Living Alone

Here are the pros and cons to consider before deciding to live alone:

5 Pros of Living Alone

  • Complete independence and control: Living alone allows you to make all the decisions about your living space without having to consider others. You have the freedom to set your own rules, routines, and lifestyle, giving you a sense of autonomy.
  • Privacy, whenever you want it: Living alone means you have the luxury of privacy whenever you desire. You can have personal time, relax without interruptions, and enjoy solitude whenever you need it.
  • Decorate and organise as you please: With no one else to consider, you have the freedom to decorate and organise your living space according to your tastes and preferences. You can create a space that truly reflects your style.
  • Peace without disruption: Living alone offers a calm environment with minimal distractions or disruptions. You have control over the noise level, allowing you to enjoy tranquillity and focus on your thoughts or activities.
  • Never having to compromise on entertainment or meals: Living alone means you can fully indulge in your own entertainment choices and culinary preferences. You don’t have to compromise on what TV shows to watch, movies to stream, or meals to prepare. It’s all about what you enjoy and what suits your individual preferences.

4 Cons of Living Alone

  • You may feel isolated or lonely at times: Living alone can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation or loneliness, especially if you thrive on social interactions. Without roommates or family members around, it’s important to actively seek out social connections to avoid feeling isolated.
  • The sole responsibility for all chores and bills: When living alone, you bear the sole responsibility for all household chores and expenses. This includes cleaning, cooking, paying bills, and maintaining the space. It can be time-consuming and overwhelming to handle all these tasks on your own.
  • Safety concerns in the absence of people: Living alone may raise concerns about personal safety. Not having people around makes you more vulnerable to potential risks or emergencies. It’s important to take precautions, such as installing security measures and staying connected with trusted friends or neighbours.
  • It may not suit extroverts who crave social interaction: If you thrive on social interaction and enjoy having people around, living alone may not be the ideal situation. Extroverts may feel a lack of companionship and find it challenging to satisfy their need for frequent social engagement.
Living Alone vs. With Roommates

It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of living alone when determining what environment will best fit your lifestyle and budget. If you value your space but want occasional company, an apartment from Paragon Living offers the perfect compromise with community amenities and activities when you want them, as well as a private retreat when you don’t.

The Pros and Cons of Living With a Roommate

You should consider the following pros and cons if you are planning to live with a roommate:

3 Pros of Roommates

  • Built-in companionship and social interaction: Having roommates provides built-in companionship and social interaction. You have the opportunity to form friendships, share experiences, and create a sense of community within your living space. Also, roommates can provide emotional support and make daily life more enjoyable.
  • You can share living costs like rent, utilities, and groceries: One of the significant advantages of having roommates is the ability to share living costs. Rent, utilities, groceries, and other expenses can be divided among all roommates, reducing the financial burden on each individual. This can free up more of your budget for other priorities or savings.
  • Extra security with others around: Living with roommates can enhance personal safety and security. With others present in the household, there’s a decreased likelihood of break-ins or emergencies going unnoticed. Roommates can offer an additional layer of protection and support in times of need.

4 Cons of Roommates

  • Less privacy and independence: Living with roommates means sacrificing some level of privacy and independence. You may have to share common areas and compromise on personal space. The presence and preferences of your roommates may influence your ability to make decisions about the living environment and daily routines.
  • You have to consider the needs and schedules of others: When living with roommates, you must take into account their needs and schedules. This includes coordinating shared spaces, such as the kitchen or bathroom, and being mindful of noise levels or activities that may disrupt others. It requires a certain level of cooperation and consideration from all ends.
  • Potential for conflict over shared space, chores, guests, noise, etc.: Living with roommates can lead to disagreements over various aspects of communal living. Conflicts may arise regarding the division of household chores, the presence of guests, noise levels, or the use of shared spaces. Resolving conflicts effectively and maintaining a harmonious living environment requires open communication and compromise.
  • Troublesome roommates can make home life stressful: Having difficult roommates can significantly impact your home life and overall well-being. Roommates who are inconsiderate, uncooperative, or engage in disruptive behaviour can create a stressful living environment. It’s important to carefully choose compatible roommates to minimise potential issues.
Living Alone vs. With Roommates

Living Alone vs. With Roommates

We recommend looking into the pros and cons of living with a roommate while factoring in your priorities, needs, and financial situation. An ideal solution could be finding an independent yet social living community, such as our Sunbeam apartment complex in Wolverhampton. Our properties provide private living spaces along with communal areas to work, socialise and build connections with like-minded residents.

Finding the Right Roommate: Compatibility Matters

Finding the right roommate is key to a harmonious shared living situation. When you’re deciding between living alone vs. with roommates, compatibility matters most.

Two important factors to consider are:

  • Shared values and priorities
  • Lifestyle compatibility

Shared Values and Priorities

Do you and your potential roommate(s) have similar values and priorities?

Things like cleanliness, noise, bills, chores, and socialising can make or break a roommate relationship. Sit down together and have an honest conversation about your needs, habits, schedules, and what you envision for your shared space. Look for roommates with compatible living styles, values, and priorities as your own.

Here are important topics to discuss with your roommate:

  • Cleanliness: How often do you do chores like sweeping, mopping, dusting, etc.? Do you leave dishes in the sink or wash them right away?
  • Noise: What hours do you typically sleep, study, or entertain friends? Make sure your schedules match up and you agree on acceptable noise levels for each period.
  • Bills: Will you split rent and utilities evenly or proportionally to the space/amenities used? Ensure you’re both comfortable with the division of financial responsibilities before signing a lease.
  • Socialising: Do you like to host get-togethers or have friends over frequently? Or do you prefer a quieter space? Finding the right balance for both roommates is key.

Lifestyle Compatibility

Beyond values and priorities, consider if your general lifestyles are compatible. Things like career schedules, hobbies, dating life, and personal habits should align reasonably well for a harmonious cohabiting situation. If there are any major incompatibilities, they’ll likely cause issues down the road.

Ensure you discuss the following topics with your roommates:

  • Career Schedules: Do you work similar hours or have vastly different schedules? Vastly different schedules can often make it difficult to socialise and bond with each other.
  • Hobbies: Do you share any common hobbies or interests? Some overlap in your hobbies and social circles will make it easier to bond as roommates.
  • Dating Life: Will you be bringing romantic partners home frequently? Make sure you’re both comfortable with each other’s dating habits before deciding to live together.
  • Personal Habits: Consider things like drug use (including smoking), pets, overnight guests, diet, and exercise routine. Major differences here could lead to conflict.

While living alone certainly has its perks, sharing an apartment with like-minded roommates in a compatible and harmonious environment can lead to new friendships and an enriched life experience. Focus on finding roommates with shared values, priorities, and lifestyles to set the foundation for a successful cohabiting situation. When done right, the benefits of shared living far outweigh the drawbacks.

5 Tips for Transitioning to Living Alone

If you prefer living alone vs. with roommates, your choice can be an exciting yet daunting experience — especially when it’s your first time.

Here are 5 handpicked tips to help you transition smoothly into solo living:

  • Set a routine.
  • Learn practical skills.
  • Get out and socialise.
  • Set boundaries.
  • Ask for help if you need it.

1. Set a routine.

Establishing a routine is key to adjusting to life on your own. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. Have set times for exercising, cooking meals, doing chores, and engaging in hobbies. A routine provides structure and can help combat feelings of loneliness.

2. Learn practical skills.

There are many life skills you’ll need to pick up when living independently. Learn how to cook basic nutritious meals, do your laundry, create a budget, pay bills on time, perform basic home repairs, and handle emergencies. Don’t be afraid to ask friends or family members for guidance. Build your confidence in these areas, and you’ll feel more at ease living solo.

3. Get out and socialise.

While alone time is great, too much isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness or even depression. Make an effort to socialise regularly by calling a friend, joining a local club, volunteering, or participating in group activities. Take advantage of the amenities offered at Paragon Living’s apartments, like the co-working spaces, dining areas, and barista bars, to interact with your neighbours.

4. Set boundaries.

When you live alone, it’s important to set clear boundaries to maintain your privacy and independence. Let friends and family know when it’s okay to drop by unannounced and when you prefer being alone. Be selective in providing keys or access codes to your home. Establish rules around phone calls, texts, and notifications to avoid constant interruptions. Overall, setting healthy boundaries will help you adjust to living solo.

5. Ask for help if you need it.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help from loved ones if you start to feel overwhelmed living on your own. Let others know if you need assistance with chores, running errands, home repairs, or just keeping you company. There’s no shame in asking for help when you need it — your friends and family will likely offer their support.

Following these tips will help you settle into solo living in no time. With the right mindset and practical preparations, living alone can be a rewarding experience that allows you to learn more about yourself.

Living Your Best Life at Paragon Living Apartments

The choice of living alone vs. with roommates all comes down to your lifestyle, budget, and personal preferences. At Paragon Living, we offer spacious apartments that suit either choice. Our vibrant community and luxury amenities provide opportunities for both solitude and socialising.

Living in one of our apartments means you’ll have opportunities to connect with neighbours and build new friendships through community events, co-working spaces, and other shared amenities. Whether you opt to live alone or with roommates, our residential community cultivates an active social environment balanced with tranquillity. The choice comes down to finding what suits your needs best in this stage of life.

pros and cons of living with a roommate

When choosing between either option, think about your priorities and lifestyle by reflecting on questions like:

Do you value privacy or prefer constant company?

Can you afford to live alone, or would roommates make rent more manageable?

Contact us to explore our rental properties and experience our luxury spaces firsthand. Our leasing consultants can walk you through the pros and cons of each option and help determine the right apartment for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it better to live alone or with a roommate?

The choice of living alone vs. with roommates depends on your personal preferences and circumstances. Living alone provides more privacy, freedom, and control over your space, which can be beneficial for those who value these aspects. On the other hand, having a roommate can help with shared expenses and offer companionship, especially for those who enjoy socialising.

However, it’s important to note that a roommate relationship requires mutual respect and understanding to work. So, there’s no definitive answer; it’s all about knowing your preferences, lifestyle, and financial situation and making the choice that aligns best with them.

Is it healthy for people to live alone?

Living alone can be healthy for some individuals, particularly those who relish their independence or prefer a quieter, more controlled environment. It allows for self-exploration, personal growth, and the development of skills like problem-solving and self-reliance. Moreover, it can promote mental health by providing an escape from social pressures and conflicts.

However, it’s also crucial to maintain social connections to avoid feelings of isolation or loneliness. Everyone’s needs vary, so what might be beneficial for one person could be detrimental to another. It all comes down to finding a balance that suits your personal needs and lifestyle.

What is the psychology of living alone?

The psychology of living alone can be complex as it greatly depends on an individual’s personality, life experiences, and coping mechanisms. On the one hand, living alone can promote self-awareness, independence, and self-efficacy, as individuals need to manage their affairs and make decisions independently. On the other hand, it can also potentially lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, especially if the individual lacks a strong social network.

However, many people who live alone find ways to create and maintain strong social relationships outside their homes.

In some cases, living alone can provide much-needed space for introverted individuals who recharge their energy through solitude. So, again, living alone is an individual experience with psychological effects that can be both positive and negative. It’s key for individuals living alone to ensure they have a balance of solitude and social interaction that works for them.

Will I be happier if I live alone?

The answer to whether you’ll be happier living alone can depend on many factors, including your personality, preferences, and current circumstances. If you’re someone who values independence, solitude, and control over your environment, living alone can bring a sense of satisfaction and happiness. It provides an opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth and can reduce conflicts related to shared living spaces.

However, it’s also worth considering that living alone can sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness or isolation if not balanced with social interactions. If you’re a person who thrives on companionship and shared experiences—and values the support of a live-in friend—you might find more happiness living with a roommate.

So, it’s essential to reflect on what you value most in your living situation before deciding. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, as happiness is a deeply personal and subjective experience.


Having understood the pros and cons of living with a roommate and living alone, the choice ultimately comes down to your priorities and living preferences. Life is an adventure, so take a chance and go with what feels right based on factors like desired freedom, privacy, level of socialising, etc. The place you call home should inspire you to live well and be happy. Contact us today to explore our various rental apartments.

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